Advisory Commitee

Version 2

Mr Antonio Pantalone PhD (Chem Eng.), BSc (Ind. Chem.) (Hons), Dip. Business – Environmental & Educational Advisor

Antonio has over 15 years of experience within the environmental sector. He is a former Visiting Fellow of the University of New South Wales (UNSW).

Antonio has years of ongoing experience in research and development. He has co-supervised Honours and PhD students, presented guest lectures and has contributed Intellectual Property to the university sector for educational advancement. He has maintained ongoing relationships within the university sector and as such, has acted as a bridge between industry and academia. This has included the commercialisation of university developed IP, new funding opportunities for university programs, and industry based awards.

In 2004, Antonio established Advanced Simplicity. Advanced Simplicity are engineers of strategic solutions in the areas of the environment, security, Government advisory, technology and business development. The company delivers simple, holistic and effective solutions. It has even developed unique IP to overcome challenging scenarios. One such example is recoil™, an innovative oil absorbent material designed for the clean-up of waterborne oil spills. The material was nominated for an American Chemistry Council (ACC) CIP Polyurethane Innovation Award; has received approvals from the United States Environmental Agency.

Antonio has been a panel member to the NSW Office of Environment & Heritage to deliver resource efficiency programs to NSW businesses. He has liaised extensively with the NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and has assisted UNSW in an EPA Resource Recovery Division funded project regarding micro-plastics in agricultural lands. Antonio has acted on behalf of community and not for profit groups within Australia. He has successfully secured over $3.5 million of competitive funding across a variety of community based programs and has implemented these projects to achieve long term benefits and cost savings for a range of organisations. Additionally, he has designed humanitarian projects for the development and clean-up of remote areas.

Antonio has a wealth of experience around resource management; infrastructure development and decentralisation; Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) and flood prevention; water treatment, wastewater treatment and desalination; sustainable structures; environmental planning; renewables; site remediation and organic waste removal. He has worked extensively in Australia, the European Union and Africa. He continues to maintain knowledge of industry advancements and next generation technologies.

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