Our Services


With the onset of the pandemic the priorities for services changed with the availability of liquidity for Governments and businesses becoming the number one need across the globe.

Universal ITEC has formed a strategic alliance with the Australian Affiliate of one the largest financial institutions in the world to facilitate large scale funding for high quality Government and Corporate borrowers.

This funding is available on a project-by-project basis be it infrastructure such as ports, roads, rail, wind and solar farms, waste to energy, or other projects including construction.

They are a single source debt provider of long term (20-40 year) financing for essential social, critical, and economic infrastructure projects, and also provide funding as a monetary liquidity provider to governments and the banking sector.

Product Features
• Funding & Finance available above $20 Million USD.
• Rates from 0.99% – 3.5% based on the Guarantor’s Credit Rating (AA – Bank / AAA Government)
• Shadow rated interest rates based on the issuing parties credit rating.
• No equity position required to the investing party (straight forward debt finance).
• Long terms on offer (Up to 40 years – Longer terms available on a case by case basis).
• Grace periods of up to 5 years, to optimize project and asset cashflow.
• Interest Only structures available
• Funding amount will be dollar for dollar to match the Guarantee issued.

Financing Requirements
• A Government, Bank or Corporate Guarantee to insure monthly repayments.
• Minimum BBB rating for Guarantee issuer.
• Tier 1 construction partner or equivalent accreditation
• Tier 1 PMO partner for the lender’s compliance purposes.

This funding facility is available to Countries and Corporates right across the globe subject only to legislative restrictions, and moral or corruption issues.

Other Services of the Universal ITEC Trade and Investment Platform

With the onset of social distancing, border restrictions and limitations on meeting sizes other services have been deferred. The launch of the full Universal ITEC Trade Platform currently being developed is now scheduled for a 2021 launch.

If you have a product or service you would like to market globally or raise funds for, Universal ITEC is the marketplace to make that happen.

The Universal ITEC Trade Platform already provides a historic overview of the import, export sectors, as well as the overall economies of 181 Countries, which means you don’t have to search each individual country’s trade and investment website to find what you are looking for Click To View.

Each supporting country will be able to update their own data in real time so subscribers can identify both cultural events and trade and investment opportunities as they arise.

Each trade and investment opportunity identified by the supporting Countries is automatically allocated to a relevant industry sector and subsectors. This means, for example, if you are looking for a trade or investment deal in lithium mining you don’t have to wade through opportunities in coal, gold, or iron ore.

The Universal ITEC Trade Platform’s vast scope is highlighted by the facts:

✔Existing supporters of Universal ITEC have a combined population of more than 730 million people; GDP of $4.69 trillion; and a land mass of 15.2 million sq/km of area.

The platform will offer subscribers live time updates by the supporting Countries.

New opportunities are sourced from hundreds of sites and posted on the platform each day.

Fully-vetted subscribers can post their own opportunities

The platform provides both domestic and international trade and investment opportunities.

Put simply, the Universal ITEC Trade Platform, will identify vast numbers of opportunities and incorporates an enormous amount of trade and investment data from all across the globe. It has the backing of multiple governments, hundreds of third parties and international subscribers.

Cultural Venue

Universal ITEC’s Cultural Venue will provide a central location for exhibitions, receptions and events for private companies and Consulates.

Currently at Lane Cove, but moving to a CBD location in 2021, the venue also showcases fine Australian arts and craft when not being used for temporary exhibitions. It also provides retail space to recoup costs of hosting major cultural events.

It is available free of charge for supporting Countries who wish to host receptions celebrating days of national significance.

This venue replaces arrangements where consulate receptions are often held in community or sporting clubs throughout the suburbs, which are difficult for VIPs and other attendees to travel to. They also rarely include an opportunity for retail space or trade expos.

Country Portal

Universal ITEC is configuring a portal for domestic cultural activities in the area of jurisdiction for all Consulates and provide a second portal, centrally administered, to identify the trade and investment initiatives of all Countries.

We are working with a number of Countries to establish an internal trade platform that suits their needs, and we are happy to speak with your consulate as well.

Contact us on +61 (0) 419400980 or fill in our contact form →

For more information on how Universal ITEC can help you, your business, or your country