Advisory Commitee

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Swetha Neella

Ms Swetha Neella – IT Development

Ms. Swetha Neella was born in India where she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Hyderabad India in

Swetha moved to Australia later in 2008 and becoming an Australian Citizen in 2017.

In Australia she further pursued her studies and completed her Master’s Degree in Computer Science from Victoria University in 2011.

Whilst pursuing her master’s degree Ms. Neella started her career in a Real Estate firm managing dual roles as an office manager managing agency duties and as a Business Analyst for internal IT projects. She was part of the regulatory and compliance segment of the real estate cloud-based project. Ms. Neella completed her real estate licensing course in Sydney, Australia in 2016.

With her move to Australia in 2008 Ms. Neella recognised that her background studying in India gave her a substantial opportunity to provide IT Services at extremely competitive prices to businesses.

In 2016 Ms. Neella joined up with Mr Abhishek Pedaballi to form a full-service IT support business. Since then they have provided expertise and consulting arrangements to coordinate development of IT platforms as Project Directors or to provide a diverse range of IT services to other developers in Australia, the US and India.

She has experience working across different domains such as financial services, real estate, educational, e-commerce and health care.

Ms. Neella has performed the role as Project Director on the Universal ITEC project heading up the data evaluation aspect and is heading up the final development team.

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